Saturday, 11 October 2014

Effect of Induced Muscular Fatigue on Balance and Core Strength in Normal Individuals

Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy. July-September 2014, Vol. 8, No. 3

Background: Balance is the ability to maintain proper alignment of body segments with respect to each other. Muscular fatigue is a key factor which can influence performance via impaired joint proprioception and postural control. Fatigue alters the force generation capacity of the muscle and ultimately leads to task failure. The relationship between fatigue and balance is poorly understood.
The purpose of the present study was to assess if fatigue had an immediate effect on balance and core strength in healthy individuals, by checking the static and dynamic stability and the core muscle strength for spinal stability.

Aim: To find the effect of Induced muscular fatigue on Balance and Core strength in Normal Individuals.

Methodology: Functional reach tests, Single Leg Stance, Core strength were measured Pre and post Fatigue, which was induced by squats performed till RPE of 10. The data obtained was statistically analyzed using paired 't' test.

Results: A significant reduction was found in the mean single leg stance time from 10.05 seconds pre-fatigue, to 3.01 s post fatigue (p<0.05). The pre fatigue functional reach distance covered by individuals was 36.36 cms which was reduced to 29.48 cms post fatigue (p<0.05). There was also a reduction in the core muscle strength measured pre fatigue from 43.43 mmHg to 43.16 mmHg post fatigue statistically. (p<0.05)

Conclusion: Fatigue definitely has a significant reduction on Static balance, Dynamic balance & also on lumbar core strength as seen in normal individuals.

Keywords: Muscular Fatigue, Static Balance, Dynamic Balance, Core Strength

Balance can be defined as the position of the body relative to the arrangement of the limbs and segments, for a specific activity, or the characteristic that one bears the weight of one’s body. It is the ability to maintain equilibrium in a gravitational field, and to react to destabilizing forces quickly and efficiently to regain stability via postural adjustments before, during, and after voluntary movement and in response to external perturbation. Balance, is maintained by the dynamic integration of internal and external forces and factors involving the environment. Specifically, balance can be classified as either static i.e. maintaining equilibrium with minimal movement, semi-dynamic i.e. attempting equilibrium while the base of support moves, or dynamic i.e. maintaining a stable base of support while completing prescribed movement. When an individual is in erect standing posture the integrity of stance is maintained by shifting body weight in multiple directions relative to corrective contractions of the muscles of the lower extremities and the trunk. Muscle fatigue is a complex phenomenon resulting in an exercise-induced reduction in the force-generating capacity of the muscles regardless of the task performed. The necessity of those con-tractions is expressed via the somatosensory, vestibular, and visual systems.

Impairments of the sensory systems have been associated with various pathological conditions, as well as transient physiological phenomenon, that increase the likelihood of fall or traumatic injury.
Fatigue, can affect the proprioceptive and kinaesthetic properties of joints, increase the threshold of muscle spindle discharge, which in turn disrupts afferent feedback and can alter joint awareness. The detrimental effect of fatigue on static balance has been established, but its effect on dynamic balance is unknown. To examine the ways in which fatigue affects balance, some authors have induced generalized muscle fatigue via strenuous aerobic exercise or selective muscle-fatiguing protocols. 

The relevance of fatigue to joint stability is evidenced by the relationship between postural control and the endurance of the ankle, knee and back muscles. Studies have shown the influence of foot mechanics on proximal structures i.e. core and have been studied extensively. The influence of proximal stability on lower extremity structure is known. One of the studies initially proposed that stabilization of the pelvis and trunk is necessary for all movements of the extremities. Studies have identified trunk muscle activity before the activity of the lower extremities, which authors felt served to stiffen the spine to provide a foundation for functional movements. This tendency for core instability has been suggested to predispose females to lower extremity injury. Stronger core muscles may help keep ground reaction forces (GRFs) within an optimal range. Based on previous literature and current thought, we hypothesized that fatigue would demonstrate effect on balance of the individual and significant difference in core strength. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out the relation between muscular fatigue and balance in normal individuals, by evaluating the static and dynamic stability and also to find if there was any change in the core muscle strength for spinal stability post induction of fatigue.

The current study attempted to determine whether level of fatigue had any effect on balance & on core strength in normal individuals. To do so, experimental study design was used for this study and the study was carried out on general population in an urban region. Study approval was obtained by the institutional ethical board and an informed consent was obtained from all the subjects.
Sixty volunteers (30 men and 30 women; age range, 18-25 years; mean age, 20 ± 1.78 years) were included in the study, they were tested twice (pre and post) during same session. Any subject who had suffered a musculoskeletal injury to a lower extremity or a head injury in the 6 months before testing was excluded from the study.

The Functional reach test and single stance were used to measure the static and dynamic balance. Core strength was measured using aneroid sphygmomanometer. Subjects reported for test sessions were familiarised with the study followed by data collection for Functional reach test, single leg stance and the core strength.

Functional reach test is the measurement of difference between arm’s length and maximum forward reach in standing with a fixed base of support. (Figure 1) The subject was asked to reach as far as possible from comfortable standing posture without taking a step, losing balance and lifting the heel.
Excursion of arm from start to finish was measured with the subject standing parallel to the wall with 10 centimeters base of support. Instructions were given to avoid protraction of shoulder, flex arm near to the wall to 90 degrees and contra lateral upper limb in neutral. 1st point at tip of middle finger on wall was marked. Maintain of reach for three seconds and then again measure at tip of the middle finger. (Figure 2)

Distance between 1st and 2nd point was recorded. For the Single Leg Stance, subject was asked to perform single leg stance barefoot with the dominant leg and on the firm surface (dominant leg was found out by the ball kick test). Instructions were given to keep both the knees apart, not to touch hands to the body and to look straight and focus on any object at a distance of 1 meter. (Figure 3) Balance time was recorded until the subject could maintain the above mentioned posture without any movement.

Core Strength was measured by the pressure biofeedback method using an aneroid sphygmomanometer. Subject, in crook lying, the Cuff placed under the lumbar spine area and inflated to 40 mmHg. Subject were asked to activate core muscles (tuck in) and maintain it between 40 to 50 mmHg for 10 seconds (not more than 50 mmHg as rectus abdominis gets activated, and not less than 40 as it indicates arching of the lumbar spine.) If subject was not able to hold for 10 seconds, then rest was given for 3 minutes and asked to hold again at a lower value for 10 seconds.

Then muscular fatigue was induced. Subjects were asked to perform 90 degree squats with upper limbs in 90 degrees flexion and to be continued till rate of perceived exertion reaches 10/10 (Modified Borg Scale) that is extremely strong. The subjects were instructed to squat, as if sitting on a chair in which tibia remains relatively vertical. Subject may experience musculoskeletal or cardio respiratory fatigue. After this immediately single leg stance, functional reach test and core muscle testing was repeated.

Post fatigue measurements were compared with pre fatigue levels in single leg stance, forward reach test and core strength as well. Paired t test was used to measure pre and post performances to find any significant effects on the dependent variables with alpha set at p </=0.05.
The data thus obtained was analysed for further statistical purposes.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether fatigue affects the balance which was tested by single leg test and functional reach distance for static and dynamic balance respectively. It shows that there is a significant reduction in the single leg stance time which means the ability of the individual to maintain a stable posture is reduced. Single leg stance represents a very important phase in a normal human gait cycle. Stance phase contributes to 40% of the gait cycle. Postural control or balance can be either static or dynamic, and refers to person’s ability to maintain a stable body and body segments in response to forces that threaten to disturb the body’s structural equilibrium. Reduction in the functional reach distance can be due to diminished ability to maintain balance when the Center of Gravity and Line of Gravity shift out of the base of support in a fatigued state. This requires eccentric and isometric muscle activity by both the type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers. The key elements of muscle performance are strength, power and endurance. Studies concluded the effects of fatigue appear to be condition specific, concurring with previously reported findings that showed fatigue had more of an effect with the tandem-foam and tandem-tremor conditions. Studies also concluded that local muscle fatigue is the diminished response of muscle to repeated stimuli and is reflected by a progressive decrement in amplitude of motor unit potentials. This occurs when a muscle repeatedly contracts either statically or dynamically against imposed load. Rate of perceived exertion is an individual’s potential limitation to fatigue and is the ability to quantify the amount of fatigue to which the subjects are subjected. It would be difficult to compare the effect of fatigue on postural stability if the degree of fatigue is varied across the investigations. To rectify this, we have used the Borg RPE scale in an attempt to quantify the amount of fatigue. The RPE scale may be used as a substitute to determine exercise intensity. Using the 15-point Borg RPE scale, study showed 10 to moderate work load.

In the present study, the imposed load was the persons own body weight. Ideal squat requires greater trunk flexion to maintain balance and stronger quads contraction to support the load of the pelvis posterior to the knee axis. In repetitive squatting there is fatigue of all lower limb muscles especially glutei, quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, planter and dorsi flexors. Fatigue of the calf and thigh muscles affect postural sway in standing. Hence, the force capacity of muscles was altered. The effect of moderate fatigue on dynamic balance requires control and additional demands. In later on assessing core strength there was a difference found in the lumbar core muscle strength from 43.43 mmHg to 43.16 mmHg which was statistically significant. Research showed a clear relationship between trunk muscle stability and activity and lower extremity movement. They concluded that Core stability may provide several benefits to the musculoskeletal system, from maintaining low back health to preventing knee ligament injury & also suggested that decreased core stability may predispose to injury and that appropriate training may reduce injury suggested to contribute to the etiology of lower extremity injuries. Studies concluded that Decreased lumbo-pelvic (or core) stability contributes to the etiology of lower extremity injuries. This prospective study compares core stability measures between genders and between athletes who reported an injury during their season versus those who did not. A combination of these strength measures could be used to identify athletes at risk for lower extremity injury.

Fatigue after prolonged exercise leads to reduction in muscle glycogen. This occurs even if sufficient oxygen is available to generate energy by aerobic pathways. Fatigue leads to increase level of blood and muscle lactic acid and increase in H+ concentration in the exercising muscles. All this alters the activity of myofilaments and impairs muscular performance even when the nerve impulses continue to fire. In all when all motor units are maximally activated, fatigue is accompanied by reduction in neural activity. Here as we also see that there is affection of the lumbar core muscles post squatting, thus local fatigue will have an effect at the same site but might also produce an effect at another site in the body. So this, if not considered can be harmful.

In our everyday life, fatigue can significantly affect our balance & stability function making us predisposed to falls & injuries. A reduced muscle support to the body post fatigue will also cause abnormal joint forces and thus markedly increase the frequency of strains, sprains etc. Fatigue at distal/ peripheral area also has an effect on our core stability making us at risk of back problems & spinal damage. Thus our everyday tasks & activities should be planned & organized so as to minimize the effects of fatigue on our musculoskeletal system as with our other systems. The level of fatigue should be considered and the person should not be pushed beyond their capacity as this will increase the chance of injuries and thus reduced performance.

Muscular Fatigue causes a significant reduction in Static & Dynamic balance and also has an effect on reduction in core strength as seen in normal individuals. These results highlight the importance of proximal stabilization for lower extremity.

 Shimpi Apurv P, Kharkar Supriya A, Talreja Ankita A

References and Article at:

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Correlation of Low Back Pain with Core Muscle Strength in Primigravida Indian Females

Low back Pain in Primigravida Indian Females

International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Volume 3 Issue 1
March 2014

Background: Core stability of trunk is a basic function of both the local and global muscles. But there is insufficient research based data to determine the cause or ascertain how low back pain might be related to any of the particular features of pregnancy especially the core muscle strength.

Objective: To study correlation between low back pain and core muscle strength amongst the pregnant females.

Materials and Methods: 148 primigravida females (mean age 21.36 ± 1.54) in their 2nd trimester with complaints of backache were given VAS and Roland Morris Questionnaire to fill in. The core strength was assessed using pressure biofeedback unit while performing ‘drawing in’ maneuver in supine crook lying.

Results: Study showed negative correlation between core muscle strength and intensity of low back pain [r = - 0.489, p < 0.05] and negative correlation between core muscle strength and disability related to low back pain [r = - 0.536, p < 0.05]

Conclusion: Core muscle strength is an important factor for modulation of pain as well as for controlling its other associated disabilities. Thus, this may support the importance of Ante-natal exercises which includes core strengthening, to alleviate back pain and disability related to it during pregnancy.

Keywords: Low back pain, Core muscle strength, Pregnancy, Roland Morris disability questionnaire.

Pregnancy is a period of drastic physiological and anatomical changes in almost all the body organs of a pregnant female. The increase in the abdominal girth as a result of enlarging uterus leads to stretching of the abdominal muscles thus reducing their efficacy of contraction. The discomfort caused by the low back pain can have substantial impact on life during pregnancy; this can interfere with activity that ranges from basic activities of daily living such as walking and dressing to many work related functions. 

Core stability of trunk is a basic function of both the local and global muscles. But more so over, the local muscles have higher tasks in maintaining core stability and may be directly related to back pain. Abdominal muscle exercises are the key component of prenatal and post natal physiotherapy programs. The ability to perform these exercises during pregnancy and immediately post pregnancy has been questioned due to musculoskeletal structural adaptations occurring in the trunk. 

There is general consensus in the literature that there is reduction in the core muscle strength in the 2nd and the 3rd trimester. But there is insufficient research based data to determine the cause or ascertain how low back pain might be related to any of the particular features of the gestation process or the pregnancy especially the core muscle strength. And though several studies have quoted that there is reduction in core muscle strength in normal individuals with low back pain, there is no evidence to state whether this is true in case of pregnancy related low back pain. Thus this study aimed at assessing the correlation of low back pain with core muscle strength.

Ethical approval was taken from the institutional ethical committee and only 2nd trimester females were included. 148 pregnant primigravida females with mean age 21.36 ± 1.54 (Table 1) were selected conveniently from primary and secondary health care centers. 2nd trimester primigravida nulliparous females between 20– 30 years of age were included and any females with history of low backache before conceiving; history of abortion or any other complication; twin pregnancy; history of any abdominal surgery; history of mechanical dysfunctions like prolapse intervertebral disc; lysthesis were excluded. After taking written consent from primigravida pregnant females; general information was documented. 

All the subjects were given the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (Self informed) to fill, in their desired languages. All the subjects had to answer the questionnaire depending on their present status in terms of severity of pain and disability. The visual analogue scale meets the scientific criteria and is suitable for the objective measurement of intensity of pain and self-assessment measures are known to have better correlation with pain and disability than objective measures which use physical performance test. Therefore to assess low back pain related disability in pregnant women we used Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire which is a validated scale that reflects limitations in different activities of daily living in subjects with low back pain. 

Core Muscle Strength Evaluation All the subjects were asked to empty their bladder before the test. Subjects were positioned supine crook lying with hip flexed at 45 degrees. Subjects were given proper instructions about how to activate transverses abdominis muscle. The activation of transverses abdominis was confirmed with palpation. The inflatable cuff of the pressure biofeedback unit was placed under the hollow of the lumbar spine (between L1 and S1). The cuff was inflated to the baseline pressure of 40mmHg. The subjects were then asked to take a relaxed breath and while expiration to draw in the abdominal wall towards the spine so as to contract the deep abdominal muscles, raising the pressure up to 10mmHg and recommence the breathing and hold up to 10 seconds. The pressure biofeedback unit (Chattanooga Group, USA.) used in the abdominal drawing in maneuver with palpation has been shown to be reliable method in measuring the transverses recruitment.

The examiner observed for the pressure changes in the biofeedback unit dial, the pelvis and trunk for any movements and palpated for the correct activation of transverses abdominis placing the thumb, medial and inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine. If the pressure raised up to 10 mmHg in the absence of spinal or pelvic movement and without bulging of the abdomen, the test was said to be performed optimally. The test was repeated three times and the maximum pressure only was recorded. 3 minutes rest was given after each test.

Statistical Analysis
Data were analyzed using SPSS version 17.0. Spearman’s correlation test was applied to establish the correlations of low back pain with core muscle strength. A 5% level of probability was used to indicate statistical significance.

In Table 1, the descriptive statistics regarding Age, Week of pregnancy, VAS score, Roland Morris Disability score and Core Muscle strength of the Subjects is depicted. Figure 1 and 2 shows negative correlation between core muscle strength and intensity of low back pain [r = - 0.489, p < 0.05] and negative correlation between core muscle strength and disability related to low back pain [r = - 0.536, p < 0.05] respectively.

There is reduction in core muscle strength in normal individuals with low back pain but there is no evidence to state whether this is true in case of pregnancy related low back pain. This study assessed the correlation of low back pain with core muscle strength in 148 primigravida Indian females.

There is fair linear and negative correlation between core muscle strength and intensity of low back pain in the 2nd trimester. (Figure 1) As the abdominal muscles stretch to accommodate the growing fetus, their ability to help stabilize the lumbo-pelvic region decreases. With the anterior shift of the center of gravity, there is increase in the moment arms of the deep core stabilizers putting them at a mechanical disadvantage. The burden of stability shifts to the paraspinal muscles, which get strained at the time when they may be shortened from the increased lordosis of the lumbar spine leading to low back pain. Anterior pelvic tilt increases with increased lumbar lordosis. This altered biomechanics, in combination with relaxation of the pelvic and sacroiliac joints under the influence of hormone relaxin may further increase the strain on the pelvis and low back giving rise to pain.

Although this might be true, the fair correlation between core muscle strength and intensity of pain suggests that there might be factors other than core muscle strength which might be responsible for the pain in the 2nd trimester. A review on back pain in pregnancy has suggested a hypothesis that the muscle fatigue accumulates throughout the day and culminates in the low back pain. A study on postural changes associated with pregnancy showed a significant inverse relation of changes in lordosis and low back pain during pregnancy.

There is good correlation between core muscle strength and disability related to low back pain in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy which is linear and negative. (Figure 2) With common concept of leading normal life throughout pregnancy, the pregnant women are forced into performing demanding tasks. Although these females may sustain such demanding tasks in their thresholds such as long hours of standing, lifting heavy weights, frequent bending and other household chores in the early 2nd trimester, but as the pregnancy progresses it may become difficult for them to cope up with the same demands with other musculoskeletal complaints setting in. These instrumental activities require good proximal stability which can only be provided by the deep or local core stabilizers of the trunk. One study states that core stability is an essential component while performing any tasks, especially those tasks which are demanding and requires sustenance of posture for long. In absence of this, it becomes difficult to sustain postures of long or perform heavy tasks, reducing the productivity, giving rise to complaints of low back pain due to increased stresses on the spine.

This correlation shows that disability indirectly suggests reduced core muscle strength or inability of the local core system to stabilize the spine. A review on pregnancy related low back pain states that as the pregnancy advances, the abdominal muscles lose their ability to perform function of maintaining body posture, causing the lower back to support the majority of the increased weight of the torso. This explains the negative linear correlation of core strength with disability in the 2nd trimester, which simply means better the core strength, less the disability and vice versa.

There is significant correlation of Core muscle strength and Intensity of low back pain as well as significant correlation of Core muscle strength and Disability associated with the low back pain in 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Therefore we can say that core muscle strength is an important factor for modulation of pain as well as for controlling its other associated disabilities. Thus, this may support the importance of Ante-natal exercises which includes core strengthening, to alleviate back pain and disability related to it during pregnancy.

Zende Devyani S, Shimpi Apurv P

References and Article at: